
QBANK’s mission is to provide exceptional personal service and financial wellbeing to those who protect and serve the community. We strive to achieve this high standard in every interaction with our Members. That is why it is extremely important to us that we work to resolve your matter as quickly and fairly as possible.

The following information outlines QBANK’s approach to complaint and dispute management. It highlights our commitment to creating an open environment that encourages Members to raise concerns knowing that these will be resolved in a professional, fair and timely manner.

A complaint or dispute is:

An expression of dissatisfaction made to, or about, QBANK related to our products, services, staff or the handling of a complaint, where a response or resolution is explicitly or implicitly expected or legally required.

This includes complaints relating to services or products provided under our AFSL or ACL licences, your privacy, or the services we provide as part of the Consumer Data Right legislation.

Please contact us to make a complaint via the following options:

QBANK is committed to resolving your complaint as soon as possible and ‘on the spot’ if we are able. If we are unable to resolve your concern immediately, we will work within the timeframes and communication processes outlined below.

Acknowledging Complaints

We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint as promptly as possible and within one business day of receiving it. Our acknowledgement may be verbal or in writing, taking into account the method you used to lodge or advise us of the complaint.

Complaints resolved within 5 business days

When your complaint is resolved by the end of the fifth business day a full written response from us will not necessarily be provided if:

  • The complaint has been resolved to your satisfaction (as confirmed by you or where it is reasonable of us to form this view); or
  • We have provided an explanation and/or apology to you and can take no further action to reasonably address the complaint.

Irrespective of the timeframe for resolution, we will provide a written response to you in circumstances where:

  • You request a written response;
  • Your complaint relates to financial hardship.

Complaints resolved beyond 5 business days

Depending on the matter, resolving a complaint may take longer than 5 days. Overall, our aim is for matters to be resolved within 21 days from the date we receive your complaint. Prior to the end of the 21 day period, we will provide you with a written response outlining:

  • The final outcome of your complaint and confirmation of our actions taken to resolve the matter; and
  • Information on your right to take the complaint to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) if you are not satisfied with our response, along with AFCA’s contact details.

If we fully or partially reject a complaint, our response will also include clear reasons that:

  • Identifies and addresses all issues raised in the complaint;
  • Sets out our findings and information that support these findings; and
  • Provides sufficient detail for you to understand the basis of the decision and be fully informed to decide if you should escalate to AFCA or another forum.

Communicating delays in complaint resolution

If we are unable to meet the 21 day timeframe, prior to the timeframe expiring, we will issue you with a written ‘delay notification’ that explains:

  • The reasons for the delay e.g., because the complaint may be particularly complex; and/or circumstances beyond our control have caused delay; and
  • Your right to complain to AFCA if you are dissatisfied, along with AFCA’s contact details.

If your complaint involves financial hardship, default notices or postponement of enforcement proceedings, we will treat the complaint as an “urgent matter”. In these circumstances, we will:

  • Provide you with a written response within 21 calendar days.
  • Refrain from commencing or continuing with any legal proceedings or any other enforcement action while the complaint is being handled and for a reasonable time thereafter.

In certain circumstances, we may require additional time to obtain further information. When these situations arise, we will advise you of this additional time required.

QBANK also has specialist staff who can assist with these matters. They may be contacted via:

  • Email:
  • Address: QBANK, Credit and Lending Support Team, PO Box 13003, George Street QLD 4003
  • Phone: 13 77 28 and ask for a member of our Credit and Lending Support Team

Depending on the circumstances, we will consider a broad range of remedies when resolving a complaint including, for example:

  • An explanation of the circumstances giving rise to the complaint;
  • An apology;
  • Provision of assistance and support;
  • A refund or waiver of a fee or charge;
  • Fair compensation for any loss suffered;
  • Correcting incorrect or out-of-date records;
  • Undertaking to set in place improvements to systems, procedures or products.

Our goal is to implement any remedy within a timely matter once a complaint is closed or prior to this point where possible.

QBANK is a member of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA), which is an approved external dispute resolution scheme to deal with complaints. If your complaint proceeds through QBANK’s own complaint resolution process but remains unresolved or not resolved within the required timeframes, you may take the matter to AFCA. You also have the right to raise matters directly with AFCA in the first instance. In these circumstances, QBANK will work with AFCA to ensure they are provided with the required information to make a decision on any matter.

AFCA may be contacted at: Australian Financial Complaints Authority

Address:     GPO Box 3 Melbourne VIC 3001

Phone:       1800 931 678



QBANK’s Complaint Resolution process is free to all complainants. A hard copy of this document can be provided on request.

We will provide further, customised assistance to those with additional needs, including to people with varying abilities or language difficulties. This further service may include providing large print documents, working with TTY/National Relay Service, offering translation services etc.

QBANK allows representatives to lodge complaints on behalf of complainants. These representatives may include family, friends, legal representatives or financial counsellors.

National Relay Service

If you are Deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech/communication difficulty please contact us by:

Step 1

Contact us through your preferred NRS call channels detailed on the National Relay Service website.

Step 2

Provide the NRS with our phone number 13 77 28.

For more information about the National Relay Service visit:

QBANK is committed to taking extra care with customers who are experiencing vulnerability, which includes:

  • age-related impairment;
  • cognitive impairment;
  • elder abuse;
  • family or domestic violence;
  • financial abuse;
  • mental illness;
  • serious illness; or
  • any other personal, or financial circumstance causing significant detriment.

QBANK recognises that anyone can experience vulnerability at any time. We encourage you to make us aware of your circumstances, otherwise we may not be unaware of your situation. Our staff will deal with your complaint, while treating you with sensitivity, respect and compassion.

Further information on QBANK’s support for Member’s experiencing vulnerability and other challenges can be found in the Customer Owned Banking Code of Practice located on our web site.

QBANK has a zero tolerance approach towards “unreasonable behaviour” directed towards our staff including, but not limited to, verbal abuse, swearing, personal attacks, and making threatening statements or gestures.

QBANK values feedback and views complaints as an opportunity to improve our products and services, ultimately enhancing our Member relationship. We are committed to resolving complaints directly, fairly and as quickly as possible. We hope that this information provides clarity and confidence regarding our approach to resolving your concern.

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